
Upcoming talks

Selected previous academic talks

Cecilia Nilsson, Emily Cohen. Symposium organizers: Vertical space use of flying animals. 14th European Ornithologists’ Union Congress, Lund, Sweden, 2023.

Cecilia Nilsson, Emily Cohen. Habitat use in the air: height layer mapping of co- migrating aerial fauna. Invited talk in symposium at the International Ornithological Congress, Virtual meeting, 2022.

Cecilia Nilsson. Using weather radar data for large scale monitoring of bird movements. Invited talk at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute’s Radar Day 2021, Virtual meeting, 2021.

Cecilia Nilsson, Frank La Sorte, Kyle Horton, Adriaan Dokter, Benjamin Van Doren, Jeff Kolodzinksi, Judy Shamoun-Baranes & Andrew Farnsworth. Data from eBird and weather radar explain patterns of bird strikes at three airports in the US. North American Ornithological Conference, Virtual meeting, 2020.

Cecilia Nilsson. Radar data reveals bird flight behavior on local to continental scales. Invited talk in EEMIS seminar series at Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden, 2019.

Cecilia Nilsson, Frank La Sorte, Kyle Horton, Adriaan Dokter, Benjamin Van Doren, Jeff Kolodzinksi & Andrew Farnsworth. Using radar and citizen-science data to understand bird strikes at NYC. Invited keynote at Second International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzou, China, 2019.

Cecilia Nilsson, Adriaan Dokter, Kyle Horton, Baptiste Schmid, Jennifer Krauel, Gary F. McCracken, Felix Liechti & Andrew Farnsworth. Insect Validation And Diurnal Targets On The Us Weather Radar Network. Invited talk at International Forum on New Technologies and Applications of Insect Radar at the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China 2019.

Cecilia Nilsson. Blowin’ in the wind: Migratory flight and wind. Invited talk in special session at the European Ornithologists Union 2019 Conference in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2019.

Cecilia Nilsson, Kyle Horton, Benjamin Van Doren, Frank La Sorte, Adriaan Dokter & Andrew Farnsworth. Migratory birds’ exposure to artificial light at night at the continental scale. Talk at 5th International Conference on Artifical light at night. Salt Lake City, USA, 2018.

Cecilia Nilsson, Adriaan Dokter, Liesbeth Verlinden, Judy Sharmoun-Baranes, et al. Europe-Wide Patterns of Nocturnal Avian Migration from Weather Radar Data. Speed talk at 27th International Ornithological Congress. Vancouver, Canada, 2018.

Cecilia Nilsson. Nocturnal migration and light. Invited talk in special session at the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, New Orleans, USA, 2018

Cecilia Nilsson. Using tracking and weather radar data to study flight behavior of birds at multiple scales. Invited seminar in SCBI Rock Creek Park Seminars series at Smithsonian National Zoo, Washington DC, USA, 2018

Cecilia Nilsson. The new wave of radar Ornithology. Invited keynote at ENRAM meeting, Ghent, Belgium, 2017

Cecilia Nilsson. A large scale analysis of the temporal and spatial pattern of nocturnal broad front migration along the West-European Flyway. Invited talk at Radar Aeroecology: Applications and perspectives. Rome, Italy, 2017

Cecilia Nilsson. Tracking Bird Migration with Radar. Invited talk at Animal Movement International Symposium. Lund, Sweden, 2016

Cecilia Nilsson, & Sissel Sjöberg. Juvenile passerines more likely to perform reverse migration. Talk at European Ornithologists Union 2015 Conference. Badajoz, Spain, 2015.

Cecilia Nilsson, Johan Bäckman & Thomas Alerstam.* Radar Studies of Flight Speed and Migration Patterns of Nocturnal Passerine Migrants in Relation to Light and Topography.* Talk at 26th International ornithological Congress. Tokyo, Japan, 2014.

Previous science outreach lectures

Cecilia Nilsson. Cisco, Women Rock-IT The power of predictive modelling , broadcast, 2024.

Cecilia Nilsson. Fågelflyttning på väderradar. Naturrum Getterön, Sweden, 2023

Cecilia Nilsson. Fågelflyttning på väderradar. Falsterbo Bird Show, Sweden, 2023

Cecilia Nilsson, Kyle Horton, Adriaan Dokter. Dark Ecology- Studying night time bird migration with radar. Public lecture in The Lab of Ornithology’s Monday Night Seminar series, Ithaca, USA, 2018

Cecilia Nilsson. Dark Flights- Investigating flight behavior of nocturnal migrants. Public lecture at Cornell University’s Ornithology seminar series, Ithaca, USA, 2017

Cecilia Nilsson. Globala migranter – Flyttfågel forskning i Falsterbo. Two lectures for Rotary. Vellinge, Helsingborg, Sweden 2016.

Cecilia Nilsson. Globala migranter – om flyttfåglar och hur vi studerar dom. Three lectures in a lecture series, Lund, Halmstad and Växjö, Sweden 2016.

Cecilia Nilsson. Flyttfåglars flygbeteende. Skof lecture series, Lund, Sweden 2015.

Cecilia Nilsson. Nattflyttande tättingars flygbeteende. Rapphönans fågelträff, Alvesta, Sweden 2014.

Cecilia Nilsson. Hur flyttar fåglar? Getteröns lecture series, Varberg, Sweden 2014.