Media Coverage
Some selected media stories covering different parts of my research:
Audubon Magazine: A New Golden Age of Observation Is Revealing the Wonders of Night Migration, 2021
The New York Times Magazine: The Mysterious Life of Birds Who Never Come Down , 2020
CNN: US skyscrapers kill 600 million – yes, million – birds every year, 2019
The Washington Post: Wildlife fled the sky and bees went silent during the 2017 total solar eclipse, 2018
Helsingborgs Dagblad: Radar från Sicilien följer fåglarna över Kullaberg, 2014
Der Standard: Kurzstrecken-Zugvögel sprinten im Frühling und lassen es im Herbst ruhig angehen, 2014
Dagens Nyheter: Fjärilar lika snabba som fåglar, 2011